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6 Helpful Tips For Attention-Grabbing Retail Store Signage

  • By Clare Whatson
  • 06 Feb, 2019
Attention-Grabbing Retail Store Signage

Retail stores are physical representations of a brand name, and although they are the main aspect of the brand, that helps people make up their mind about shopping at a particular store, the signage plays a huge part in pushing customers through your retail store ’s door. Whether it’s a seasonal sale or simply your brand's name, signage helps identify your name everywhere it goes!

For a region that ranks 5th in the global retail market, UAE stores pay great attention to the signage! The critical importance of signage is evident from the number of people in the malls around town! Everywhere you go, signs present explain where you can find what you want to find!

If you're ready to take your retail store a step further by installing signage that ensures your customers swarm in, in clusters. It is essential that you incorporate some essential tips while designing signs for your retail outlet! 

Helpful tips to create attractive signage for your stores

The importance of signage is a driver for your retail store sales. Being a visual representation of your retail products your signage goes a long way in occupying a parking spot in your customer’s heart. 

Incorporate the following tips when creating the perfect signage for your brand name and you’re all set to become the most visited store in the region!

Make it short, make it relevant

Creating a short, attention-catching caption always seemed a little hard to grab. However, the use of social media posts that have a specific word limit, gathering attention for short, concise posts has become a lot more sensible.

As the attention span of people decreases with an increase in distractions, shorter signage has become more famous among individuals and organizations! Since people everywhere are in a hurry, it's only natural for customers to spend less time reading through signs and selects ones that are most prominent and deliver their message with the least amount of words.

Keep the fonts easy to read

If you mean to drive sales through your signage, you need to pay particular attention to the writing you choose. It should be easy to ride and should complement your brand philosophy. Keep the font clear and avoid curly cues and mixing up the colors too much.

The customer should be able to read your message before they try to visualize your products. Without being able to grab the attention of the customers, it's not possible to divert attention to the message.

State why!

A fancy way of going by signage is to state the reason why you think customers should buy your product. For example, a makeup brand stating that “you're worth it “is giving consumers a very good reason to buy its products!

Use personal words! 

You, your and you're are all personal words that signs can use to promote sales! How? Adding a personal feel to the product signage allows consumers to visualize how they would look/feel if they were to buy the product. The strength of the signs increases with the addition of such words.

Cut up the words! 

As more and more people use slangs in their everyday life, the use of shorter more concise messages has become more common and relatable! Cut out the extra words in your signs until only the meaning inside remains and the extra fluff is all removed!

Test it out

You may be excited about posting a 50 % off seasonal sale sign on your shop door. However, it is important to determine what the client makes of it. The client may not be able to see the sign while they pass by. The writing may be too small for the customers to read, which may lead to them ignoring the sign altogether.

Once you’ve installed your sign it’s important to ask someone to drive/walk by to see whether can be read at all!

Take Away

Signage can act as a traffic signal for your store. It can stop consumers in their track or allow them to enter the shop and look around and to buy from you! If you’re planning on creating signs for your retail outlet, use the tips above!

However, if you think it’s not your forte, opt for experts of retail store signage Dubai and let professionals create signs for your retail store! Be warned! The customers keep swarming in when experts do the job!

By Clare Whatson 11 Nov, 2019

You live in a capitalist world. Everything revolves around profits. When you plan a clothing sale for your brand, you’re hoping for profits while offering people some leverage. So when you mean to profit, take prudent steps about it.

Make sure you advertise your sale good enough that people feel fascinated about your brand the most. How do you achieve that? Indulge in portable outdoor signage. Some brands have explored this arena already. And hence, there are many companies offering signage solutions for enhancing brand advertising strategies.

This trend of companies offering portable signage is especially on the rise in the UAE. If your brand has a clothing sale there, you are in for high chances of maximizing your profits. All you have to do is to take services of Outdoor signage Dubai based companies.

This article will emphasize the benefits of this practice.

By Clare Whatson 28 Oct, 2019
So when you choose your business signage type, make sure it is modern. You should go for sign boards Dubai based companies to ensure effective marketing and brand recognition. Your
By Clare Whatson 10 Oct, 2019

Imagine you’re visiting your friend’s new house for the first time. His house is located in a new housing scheme, which is alien to you. Now, what will you do if its directions are yet to be updated on Google maps? The only resort you have is the navigational signage on the go.

Now, as a housing scheme owner, you must put yourself in the shoes of a visitor, or new residents, do you want to feel well-served in the premises of your housing society? Do you want to earn good feedback? Indulge in navigational signage. Your client is happy. His guests are happy, and you get an additional and indirect promotional advantage

In today’s rapidly urbanizing world, the trend of starting a business of housing societies have gained traction. More technologically advanced cities are seeing a greater rise in the advent of new housing schemes. E.g., in Dubai, 20,978 residential units were built by June of 2019.

Higher competition indicates that businesses are competitive in Dubai. Hence to make a brand value as a housing scheme owner bustling market, you must indulge in professionals services of companies offering Signage Dubai . These companies make sure that your visitors and residents are grateful to you. So, acquiring their services is your safest bet!

By Clare Whatson 13 Sep, 2019
Rush towards leading outdoor signboards companies in Dubai and around to get your business noticed and flourished.
By Clare Whatson 19 Aug, 2019
select appropriate signboards for your boutique store. Luckily, many signage Dubai based service providers are assisting the individuals in designing and configuration of a sign for effective business promotion.
By Clare Whatson 31 Jul, 2019

UAE’s digital signage market seems to be blooming now more than ever. The predicted growth for the digital signage market is expected to grow with a 22 %  CAGR during the five years from 2015 to 2020. Retail stores, hospitality industry, health care units; every institution in the region seems to be taking digital signage to the next level!

The rise in digital media advertising, growing data-centric information and an increased expense on marketing are vital factors that have contributed to the increase in the usage of digital signage . But effective signs call for expertise.

Professionals with years of expertise in digital signage can help create the right one for your organization. Opt for Experts in signage Dubai  and create an exciting experience for your customers. The article highlights signage trends that 2019 will bring!

By Clare Whatson 10 Jul, 2019
LED signs are widely used to highlight the business and branding process. They are attractive and eye-catching in all possible way.
By Clare Whatson 21 Jun, 2019

You might have seen a lot of signs while passing by streets, but one thing you might have notes in common is that most of them are different in design and colors. This is because the purpose of the signboard is different for each one.

The idea of having a street sign is that it will convey the message in the right way. Different companies are putting up the signboards for the purpose of marketing, and they want to stand out among many. However, not all signs attract the attention of the customers, but instead, they make them look to a different direction to avoid the board.

A number of things should be taken into account when designing the board for the streets. Every second someone is passing by, so you want to make a lasting impression. If you are not sure how to do that, then opt for the professional signage Dubai to get a better chance on making the right impression with your street sign.

While you are doing that this article is going to share some tips and tricks on designing a stunning board for the streets.

Handy tips for designing street signs:

When you pass by a sign, then you want to have the right sort of impression. The design process might seem simple, but you need to think bigger and take into account the factors which might make or break the overall sign.

Following are some practical tips and tricks to help you come up with a jaw-dropping sign for the street:

Consider the size of the board:

The first thing you need to see when finalizing the design process is how much space you have got to work with. If the size is small, then you need to work strategically and smartly because you have less space, but if you have a big scale, then you can add multiple things at once.

Understand the location:

The second element which you need to consider is the placement of the sign. This means you need to design the signboard according to the locality as the arrangement and content of the board will vary from place to place.  

Color and graphics:

If you are working in the industry, then you know that content is going to be pretty much same but what you can do differently is come up with colors and graphics that stand out.  You can go big and bold with the illustrations and colors. Be mindful about the contrast and visibility of the content.


If you are designing for the street, then you need to have only one style of font and pick the simplest message. This will be easy for you to understand when the audiences have only milliseconds to look at your sign. Do not make the size look small, but instead, you just need to have optimal for the place.

Concluding thoughts:

Signs at the street can be challenging to design because there are not a lot of experiments one can do. But they can be done smartly. If you are not sure on how to do that, then check out the professional signage Dubai for better insight. Let your design be prominent with a better look!


By Clare Whatson 30 May, 2019

Banner advertisement is the most crucial element of marketing strategy. Business companies regardless of their size, the nature of work and scope look for different ways to promote their products and services. In this way, advertisement and promotion are considered vital for active brands creation.

Signs and banners enable companies to reinforce their marketing plans to convey their brand messages. Not only this, it is considered the most natural way of reaching the targeted audience.

However, on-site banners are getting popularity in severely competitive business markets owing to far-reaching business benefits. Many business companies based in the Middle East and Gulf countries opt for on-site signs for customers’ persuasion.

The article is all about getting captivating banner signs for business success.

Tips to get awe-inspiring On-Site Advertising Banners

Banners and standee are the objects that grab the attention of the people unconsciously. It is because they are the casual way of promoting business among the common masses. The higher visibility of the banners makes them suitable for on-site signage.

However, it is vital to get the right signage perfectly aligned with your brand vision. Keeping this in mind, various retailers and other business owners consider hiring sign board Dubai based service providers to ensure high-quality services.

But, in the case that you want to know some of the best things to care for in on-site signage, read the guide given below:

Visibility Considerations

The first and foremost important thing in the signage designs is visibility. Without ensuring proper visibility of the signboard, your brand cannot achieve higher recognition.

It means that you should choose an appropriate location for signs standee and other banners. It might be the storefront or some other places within your store. But, make sure to select the best possible location where people can see the banners clearly.

Other visibility considerations include the layout of the on-site banners and other elements presented on the board.

Color scheme and images

The color scheme is the second and the most important thing that must not be ignored while getting the on-site signage. It is imperative to understand that your banners should contain something in contrast with light and dark shades.

Consider focusing on background color to be the lighter shades and typography can be used in different dark colors. However, the choice is yours.

You should also consider using different images to make your on-site signs attractive. The quality of the images should be regarded as a must.

Less is more – comprehensive messages

The primary purpose of on-site signage is to make the people aware of your latest promotions. For this, the retailers should consider incorporating compact words for the comprehensiveness of their brand messages.

The rule is simple, less is more, and so you should use compelling taglines and inviting promotional messages. It is better to get assistance from sign boards Dubai based professionals because they can help you in selecting appropriate graphics, and content to be used for on-site banners.

The Bottom Line

Summing up the discussion, one-site banners have a considerable impact on the people. It enables companies to magnify their business prospects using different strategies. On-site banner standees are one of the most exciting ways to establish brands.

However, companies should pay attention to get fabulous designs of signage to allure more and more customers. For this, it is better to opt for professional signage designers who know the standards and styles of on-site signboards.

By Clare Whatson 16 May, 2019

Advertising is an essential component of marketing. It is owing to the reason that it enables the businesses to create their impression without making them conscious. Outdoor signs play a significant role in driving customers’ attention towards the latest business promotions and related stuff while they are walking along the streets or driving through the roads.

However, the rapid growth of the businesses in UAE has created severe competition that caused to increase in the cost incurred by the marketers. Owing to this, many business organizations have to increase their marketing budget. But, not every company is capable of doing it efficiently.

So, what to do when you have a limited budget and still want to make a big difference? Here come the outdoor signs in the light. Businesspeople usually prefer to get the services of outdoor signage Dubai based professionals to keep it within budget.

The article is surely going to help you to understand the main reasons how you can cut the marketing cost using billboards and hoardings.

Top Reasons Outdoor Advertising Help You Stay in Budget

Nevertheless, signage advertising is not inexpensive, especially when you select a busy location. However, many reasons make this type of outdoor advertising beneficial for all businesses. Let’s consider a few out of many such aspects:

Cost per thousand price rates

The first and foremost reason that makes outdoor advertising cost-effective is the implementation of cost per thousand. Generally, the billboards and other signboards are charged as per the impressions and placement of the advertisement.

So, you can cut the cost by selecting reasonable signage providers to market your products and services from scratch depending on the value and ads impressions.

Higher potential for increased selling

It is rightly said that what goes can also come back in another way around. It simply means that business companies invest in advertising their products and services that increase their sales.

So, they can get their marketing investment back through higher business revenues. It is also a critical factor that makes outdoor advertising highly suitable for startups and small businesses.

The flexibility of selecting a variety of signboards

Business companies have a wide range of options when it comes to advertising their products using hoardings and billboards. This factor essentially makes the signage promotion inexpensive for all and sundry.

However, when you have plenty of facilities available, the selection of top-quality signboards might become a channeling. So, it is always better to opt for reliable outdoor signage Dubai based providers to get your required advertising signboard within your budget constraints.

Final thought

Advertising signs have become part and parcel of marketing strategies. It is owing to the reason that consumers expect the business to keep them aware constantly. Other tools and techniques of marketing are relatively costly, while outdoor signboards enable the companies to reach the customers cost-effectively.

So, if you are considering getting a mega billboard for your products and services, don’t forget to consider professional signage providers!

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